photo: Jugen de Clercq, by permission
It is the season of light. Many religious traditions teach about the power of light for our bodies and souls. We know it ourselves, instinctively. Here where I live, we haven’t seen a sunny day in weeks, and this week, when the sun suddenly broke through the clouds for just a little while, the difference in the atmosphere was tangible. I have friends who have already pulled out their full-spectrum lights and are sitting faithfully in front of them for hours each day. There is something deep within us that craves the light.
How do we get in touch with it?
Sure, sunny windows and therapy lamps and Vitamin D supplements are great for the body—they can work wonders.
But we need light for our spirits, too. The calm soul breathes light: in for energy and life, out for sharing with the world. To breathe in the light is to invite it into every part of ourselves. To hold that light within is peace and restoration. To let it overflow is to become light in the world.
Tomorrow is the Christian celebration of light and life coming into the world, the celebration of the shining of a star and the birth of a baby whose life was Light itself. For those who choose the Christian way, his life becomes ours as we become his, and his light becomes ours to share.
So, light a candle and catch a glimpse. Breathe in the light and find some calm. However you celebrate this season of Light, may it fill you and grant you peace.